Step 3: Create Your Brand Story

Module 1: The Head and the Heart
“In the midst of all the marketing clutter in the world today, your only hope for breaking through is to touch the head and/or the heart of your customers.“
Learn how to break through all the marketing clutter with Consumer Insight.
We are hard-wired to avoid marketing.
You can’t out-shout your competition.
Learn to break through the clutter with Consumer Insight.
Build AdStock: spend less, earn more.
Consumer Insight Test
*Includes real world examples to see how others got it done.

Module 2: Big Ideas
“Marketing messages are a dime a dozen. "Big Ideas" can unify years' worth of marketing messages into lasting associations between your Brand and your customers.”
Learn how great Brand Stories start with a Big Idea.
Ideas, not ads!
The key ingredients of a Big Idea.
Own your vision: the Idea Brief.
Seek input and feedback before producing anything.
Idea Brief
*Includes real world examples to see how others got it done.

Module 3: Storytelling
“We communicate and remember what is most important with stories. Turn your marketing communications into a Story and your customers are more likely to pay attention and respond.”
Learn the key ingredients of Brand Storytelling so you can turn your Big Idea into a great Brand Story.
The five key ingredients of brand storytelling.
Casting the lead actors and playing a supporting role.
Borrowing from culture.
Reinforcing your promise.
Storytelling Framework
*Includes real world examples to see how others got it done.

Module 4: Transmedia Storytelling
“Great Stories can travel within and across channels. Today's media world is made for storytelling. Each channel can add a new dimension.”
Learn how stories can travel across different media channels-- each doing what they do best.
What makes a marketing story a Transmedia Story?
Let each channel do what it does best.
Reward your fans with unique content.
Create multiple entry/exit points.
Storytelling Media Map
* Includes real world examples to see how others got it done.