Step 4: Share Your Story

Module 1: Your Digital Storefront
“Every business-- whether Brick and Mortar or Virtual has a digital storefront. Your website and social channels aren't optional. Do not "pass go" until your digital house is in order.“
Learn the mindset shift: digital assets are no longer optional; they are your storefront.
The physical/virtual store divide is disappearing.
Apply the principles of design/merchandising to your digital assets.
The dangers of delegating.
Engagement is your goal—don’t worry about the number of likes and followers.
Owned Media Attributes Checklist
*Includes real world examples to see how others got it done.

Module 2: The P/O/E Media Riddle
“The media world is not "free." You may think it is, but if you rely solely on your own media channels you may get lost. Paid advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry for a reason--it works!”
Learn how to use Paid, Owned, and Earned Media to build your business.
What do we mean by P/O/E media?
The unsolvable P/O/E media riddle.
The finances of P/O/E media.
A new and better formula: "Who + What=Where"
Who + What = Where Framework
*Includes real world examples to see how others got it done.

Module 3: The Battlefield
Once you identify an influential marketing channel for your business, chances are your competitors will be there, too! Don't try to "out-shout" them; out-smart them!
Learn how to select the right marketing channels and how to stand-apart from your competitors who may be there, too.
The difference between media exposure and media influence.
Determine the most influential channels for your business.
Set your priorities: let go of marketing channels that don’t matter.
Outsmart your competition in highly cluttered channels.
Marketing Channel Influence Audit
*Includes real world examples to see how others got it done.

Module 4: How to Evaluate/Purchase Media
“Buying advertising time/space is becoming an automated process that will open up new opportunities for businesses of all sizes and budgets. With just a few basic steps, anyone and everyone can manage their own media buys.”
Learn the different ways to buy advertising time/space to determine what’s right for you.
There’s no “one size fits all” approach to buying advertising time/space.
Evaluate tradeoffs to create an investment strategy that works for you.
Don’t get lost in all the jargon.
Lowest price isn’t always the best choice.
Media Buying Decision Tree
* Includes real world examples to see how others got it done.